Evaluation of the potential use of sediments from inland bodies of water in Central Mexico as building materials and source of rare earth elements
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Coreño Alonso, O., Leal Vaca, J., Ramos Arroyo, Y. R. ., Delgadillo Ruiz, E., Zamorategui Molina, A. ., & Coreño Alonso, J. . (2024). Evaluation of the potential use of sediments from inland bodies of water in Central Mexico as building materials and source of rare earth elements. Acta Universitaria, 34, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.15174/au.2024.4000


To know the feasibility of alternative uses of sediments accumulated in La Esperanza dam, in the municipality of Guanajuato, they were subjected to quantitative chemical analysis. It was found that the contents of precious metals and rare earths make the economic exploitation of the sediments feasible. Additionally, the sediments, after sieved, were used to produce bricks. The results of compression, porosity, and adsorption tests were compared with those of bricks produced using clays from communities in the municipalities of Irapuato and Abasolo. No statistically significant differences were found in the results of the bricks produced with the three types of clays used; therefore, the sediments could be used to produce bricks. In this way, metals with high commercial value can be extracted from the sediments, and once processed they can be used to make bricks for the construction sector.

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