Pattern based optical memory in rubidium vapor
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Rubidium vapor
transverse optical pattern. Vapor de rubidio
patrones ópticos trans¬versales.

How to Cite

Korneev, N., & Torres, Y. M. (2013). Pattern based optical memory in rubidium vapor. Acta Universitaria, 23(6), 19–22.


We investigated the optical transverse pattern produced by counterpropagating two waves through a rubidium vapor cell in presence of a longitudinal magnetic field. A bistable behav­ior is observed. The optical switching process between two of these patterns is carried out us­ing three different mechanisms: mechanical closing of a pump beam, modulation of a pump beam intensity and modulation of additional beam intensity. A rapid switching of less than 10 μs between patterns can be carried out with a 2 μw power beam.
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