Rice from the state of Morelos in Mexico, actions to position rice in the market


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How to Cite

Ireta Paredes, A. del R. (2023). Rice from the state of Morelos in Mexico, actions to position rice in the market: Rice from state of Morelos. Acta Universitaria, 33, 1–14. https://doi.org/10.15174/au.2023.3662


Rice is a staple food in Mexico, predominantly grown in Nayarit, Campeche, and Michoacan. The coarse and long grain grown in Morelos has a designation of origin as Arroz del Estado de Morelos (Rice from the State of Morelos); however, there is less and less state agricultural area cultivated with this cereal. The objective was to analyze the actions taken by producers, millers, and marketers of Arroz del Estado de Morelos to position the grain in the market and to put forward proposals for improvement. The research was carried out in Jojutla, Morelos, obtaining information through semi-structured interviews, documentary research, and estimating profitability. The actions have involved the arts such as dance, literature, music, and photography, which complement the territorial identity of the cereal. Synergy between the three levels of government is necessary to strengthen the designation of origin and to position the grain in the market by highlighting its characteristic of being a seasonal agricultural product.

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